
About this Blog

Welcome to my introductory blog on freshwater fish keeping! I myself am a novice, not an expert, fish keeper. While this site should be a good starting point for anyone new to the hobby of freshwater fish keeping, it should certainly not be your only stop or source of information. The information in this blog is not guaranteed to be comprehensive. Nor is the advice I give necessarily the best to follow. This blog is, however, based on logic, my own experiences and to a large degree the advice of others. Keep in mind when reading this blog or any other that advice you get online is worth exactly what you pay for it, and to always double and triple check any information you receive. With that said, good luck with keeping fish, and I hope you enjoy your new hobby!

Please note that more sections are being added, and this blog is being improved all the time. Thank you.

1 comment:

nayon shaha said...

WhatYouSea sells coral frags on the internet for people with saltwater aquariums. A coral frag is a small piece of live coral that a person can add to their tank,and grow out. The niche should be blogs related to saltwater aquariums, and coral propagation and sales. Let me know if you need more information.

if you want more just look here "Live coral"